The Cyclone tilt kit allows any Cyclone projector enclosure to be tilted up to 75° up or down for show, and returned to hori¬zontal for safe projector service access. It is an essential element in any outdoor projection scheme where projector needs to be tilted either up or down. Since projector pulls out of Cyclone enclosure on heavy-duty slides, it is safety requirement that this only be done when projec¬tor enclosure is horizontal. Failure to adhere to this requirement may lead to injury and serious damage if projector is dropped during service access. It is constructed from heavy steel plate and incorporate stainless steel worm drive, bearings and hand crank mechanism. It incorporates an adjustable mechanical stop, allowing correct projec¬tion angle to be accurately restored following service or relamping. It is finished with durable black epoxy powder coat.
- Cyclone 8120 Enclosure for Panasonic PT-EX16K Projector