Sixteen channel audio embedding is required for many broadcasters. The 9600 module is a sixteen-channel audio embedder or disembedder for 1.5 and 3 Gb/s
A built-in sixteen-channel audio mixer provides channel swap and shuffle capability for rearranging and remixing audio channels. “If Spanish is in group 2 and needs to move to group 1, it’s easy to do with the intuitive controls built into this unit,” said
Since the 9600 has simultaneous disembedding and embedding, it is also an in-line processor for embedded audio. It can take embedded content, adjust levels and remap channels, and deliver it to the output as an embedded signal.
The 9600 can be fitted with Dolby E™ encoding and decoding options which are useful for broadcaster and post houses. Additionally RS-232 and RS-422 data can be multiplexed or demultiplexed as per SMPTE 337M.
Other 3G products on display include the new Avenue 9550 frame synchronizer and BrightEye 81 HD SDI to HDMI converter.
Based in Grass Valley, California, Ensemble Designs is in their 20th year of business and is a leading provider of signal processing and infrastructure products to the professional broadcast industry. Customers include RAI, CBS News, NASA, Major League Baseball, Olympic Broadcast Organisation, Sky, ESPN and TVNZ.