Pro AV Catalog
DeSisti Lighting - Mini Hoist
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Safety Mini Hoist

Model: Mini Hoist

  • Safety
  • Flexibility
  • Standards are directly associated with the safety of suspensions systems
  • Safety features incorporated into the MINI HOIST include a dynamic self sustaining worm-geared set motor with a with screw helix angle less than 4 degrees
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The MINI HOIST complies with all safety standards set forth by the Internationally recognized testing authorities of TÜV to the German standards, the DIN 15560 part 46 standards, and by UL laboratories standards. These standards are directly associated with the safety of suspensions systems. The safety features incorporated into the MINI HOIST include a dynamic self sustaining worm-geared set motor with a with screw helix angle less than 4 degrees. It is designed for either fixed positions in Television, Stage or Architectural applications or as a Trackable Hoist System with the ability to be moved into the set area via a tracks mounted to the sub-structure and running the length of the studio; also it is ideal for Studio’s with grid heights as low as 16 Feet.
  • Safety
  • Flexibility
  • Standards are directly associated with the safety of suspensions systems
  • Safety features incorporated into the MINI HOIST include a dynamic self sustaining worm-geared set motor with a with screw helix angle less than 4 degrees
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